Ignition Switch

Part Number: 13531325
Supersession(s): 13534520

Ignition Switch. Power Switch. Start button.
A Switch, typically located in the steering column or vehicle dashboard behind the Ignition lock cylinder, used to Power on and Start the vehicle. Used with a tradition vehicle key. Start/Stop Switch.

Ignition Switch

Fits CT4, CT5

CT4. CT5.
Ignition Switch - Repair or Replace
A failed ignition switch can cause interesting issues ranging from intermittently failing electronics to a no crank condition. To have your diagnosed, bring it in to our service department for expert diagnosis.

Instrument panel. Cluster & switches. Diagram
Labeled: 84388615. Labeled: 84706676. Labeled: 84765531. Labeled: 84769854. Labeled: 84769883. Labeled: 84769885. Labeled: 84796362. Labeled: 84820527. Labeled: 84820528. Labeled: 84852335. Labeled: 84867902. Labeled: 84868017. Labeled: 84868689. Labeled: 84875131. Labeled: 84875133. Labeled: 84881688. Labeled: 84881689. Labeled: 84890589. Labeled: 84890592. Labeled: 84890593. Labeled: 84905630. Labeled: 84905634. Labeled: 84946575. Labeled: 84946578. Labeled: 84946580. Labeled: 84946581.
Instrument panel. Cluster & switches. Diagram
12" color display. 2. 0 liter. 2. 7 liter. Auto TRANS. Body control. Collision alert. Head-up display. Labeled 13536231. Labeled 13546978. Labeled 84769884. Labeled 84769885. Labeled 84838615. Labeled 84838619. Labeled 84838621. Labeled 84852333. Labeled 84875131. Labeled 84875135. Labeled 84875137. Labeled 84890589. Labeled 84890592. Labeled 84910397. Labeled 84938205. Labeled 84946573. Labeled 84946575. Labeled 84946576. Labeled 84946577.

Your Price

$ 14.17
All Discounts: $ 6.89 (33% off)
MSRP: $ 21.06

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Hadwin White Wholesale Parts

2325 U.S. 501 E, Conway, SC, 29526

Dealer Rating: 4.8/5
520 Reviews

Hadwin White Wholesale Parts

2325 U.S. 501 E, Conway, SC, 29526

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